Can Hamsters Die From Mites?

If your hamster starts exhibiting strange behavior, like excessive scratching or fur loss, it could signify mites. Those pesky little parasites can wreak havoc on your pet’s well-being. 

But the question is, Can Hamsters Die from Mites? Yes. Hamsters can become ill and even die from mites, especially if left untreated for a long time. Mites can also transmit diseases, such as bacterial infections, to hamsters, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

In this post, we’ll explore the potential risks of mite infestations in hamsters and discuss how you can keep your pet safe and healthy. So, keep reading!

Can Hamsters Die from Mites?

Yes, hamsters can die from mites if left untreated. Hamsters with severe mite infestations can become very ill and may even die. This is especially true for young or weakened hamsters, which may have a harder time fighting off the effects of the mites. 

Can Hamsters Die from Mites

One of the main reasons why hamsters can die from mites is anemia. Mites can cause anemia in hamsters by feeding on their blood and causing them to lose essential red blood cells. 

What Are Mites?

Mites are tiny parasites that can infest a hamster’s fur, skin, and ears. These parasites feed on your pet’s blood, causing severe itching, irritation, and discomfort. If left untreated, mite infestations can lead to serious health problems, including anemia, skin infections, and even death

What Are Mites

Causes Of Mites In Hamsters

If you’re a hamster owner, it’s important to know the causes of mites in hamsters so you can take proper steps to prevent them.

Causes Of Mites In Hamsters

Poor Hygiene

Hamsters are naturally clean animals, but they need help from their owners to stay that way. If you don’t clean your hamster’s cage regularly, mites and other parasites can thrive in dirty environments. 

Regular cage cleaning and bedding changes are essential to prevent mites from infesting your hamster.


Hamsters are sensitive animals that can easily become stressed by changes in their environment or routine. If your hamster is stressed, their immune system may become weakened, making them more susceptible to mites and other parasites. 

To reduce stress, make sure your hamster’s cage is in a quiet, low-traffic area of your home, and provide them with plenty of toys and hiding places.

Diet And Nutrition

A diet that is lacking in essential nutrients can weaken a hamster’s immune system, making them more vulnerable to parasites. 

So make sure your hamster is eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and high-quality hamster food.

Contact With Other Infected Animals

Hamsters can get mites from other animals, especially other hamsters. 

If you have multiple hamsters, it’s important to keep them separated if you suspect one has mites to prevent the spread of the infestation.

Symptoms Of Mites In Hamsters

The following are some of the symptoms that can indicate the presence of mites in hamsters:

Symptoms Of Mites In Hamsters

Scratching and Biting

If your hamster seems to be constantly scratching or biting their skin, especially around the head, neck, and ears, there’s a good chance they have mites. The mites cause itching and irritation, which can lead to more severe skin problems if left untreated.

Redness and Inflammation

The mites burrow into the skin and can cause small bumps and blisters that are very itchy and uncomfortable. Over time, these bumps can become inflamed and red, which can cause further discomfort for your hamster.

Hair Loss

If your hamster has mites, you may notice patches of hair missing, especially around the head, neck, and ears. This hair loss is usually due to excessive scratching and biting, which can lead to the hair falling out. 

Hair loss can also be a sign of other health problems, so it’s important to have your hamster checked by a vet to determine the cause.

Presence of Mite Eggs or Faeces

If you notice small white or black specks in your hamster’s fur, this could be a sign of mites. Mite eggs and feces can be found in the fur, and they are usually visible to the naked eye. 

Weight loss

If your hamster is losing weight despite eating normally, this may be a sign of mites infestation on him. 

Behavioral Changes

If your hamster has mites, you may notice changes in its behavior. They may be less active or seem lethargic, which is often a sign of discomfort or pain. You may also notice your hamster is more irritable or aggressive than usual.

Types Of Mites That Affect Hamsters

Here are the most common types of mites that affect hamsters:

Types Of Mites That Affect Hamsters

Sarcoptes scabiei Mites

These mites burrow into the skin of the hamster and lay their eggs, leading to intense itching and discomfort for the animal. Infected hamsters may scratch excessively, leading to hair loss and skin lesions.

Demodex Mites

These are common inhabitants of a hamster’s skin and do not usually cause any problems. These mites live in the hair follicles and oil glands of the skin. 

However, if the hamster’s immune system is weakened, Demodex mites can overpopulate and cause skin irritation, hair loss and inflammation.

Notoedres Mites

These mites can cause severe itching, hair loss, and skin infections and are commonly found in the head and neck area.

How Can You Treat A Hamster Infected With Mites?

Here are the steps you can follow to treat a hamster infected with mites:

How Can You Treat A Hamster Infected With Mites

Step 1: Veterinary Diagnosis And Treatment

The first step in treating mites in hamsters is to take your pet to a veterinarian. And the vet will examine your hamster and determine the best course of treatment.

Step 2: Medication And Topical Treatments

The treatment will involve medication and topical treatments. This may be in the form of oral medication or injections.  The topical treatments will be applied directly to your hamster’s skin to kill the mites and provide relief from the itching and irritation they cause.

Step 3: Clean And Disinfect Your Hamster’s Living Environment

Prevention is always the best approach to mite infestations. Mites can live in bedding, food, and toys, so it’s important to remove and replace these items regularly.  Here are some tips for a hamster’s living environment:

  • Regularly clean your hamster’s cage at least once a week with hot water and soap, and then disinfect
  • Use a high-quality food and water dish that is easy to clean and disinfect
  • Keep your Hamster’s Cage Away from Other Pets and other parasites within the environment
  • And most importantly, keep an eye on your hamster’s behavior and health

Watch this video to learn how to treat your hamster’s mites problem. 

If you’re interested in learning more about hamster health and end-of-life care, you may want to read our articles on whether hamsters can have heart attacks and what to do with a dead hamster. Our article on whether hamsters can have heart attacks discusses the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for this condition in hamsters. Meanwhile, our article on what to do with a dead hamster offers advice on how to respectfully handle the loss of your furry friend.


These are the questions people also ask about hamster mites infestation with relevant answers to them. 

Q: How long till mites go away?

At least from 4 to 5 weeks after proper skin treatment. 

Q: How do Veterinarians Diagnose Mites in Hamsters?

First, they’ll perform a skin test known as a skin scrape to confirm the presence of mites on your hamster’s skin. The diagnosis will tell the kind of medication to start with. 

How do Veterinarians Diagnose Mites in Hamsters

Q: How do you keep mites from spreading?

Keep everywhere clean by washing all linen and clothes in hot water. You can dry them under the sun or with a dryer. Heat kills mites. Disinfect every corner of your hamster’s cage with mite sprays. 


So, can hamsters die from mites? Yes, mite infestations can seriously threaten your beloved hamsters’ health. From skin irritation and fur loss to potentially life-threatening complications, pet owners must be aware of the signs of a mite infestation and take steps to prevent and treat it.

Prompt veterinary care and efforts to maintain good hygiene and a clean living environment can help prevent future infestations. By taking the necessary steps to prevent and treat mite infestations, hamsters will live their best lives. So stay vigilant. 

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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