What to Do with Dead Hamster? Knowing All the Relevant Informations

Hamsters are adorable pets. But you should not just touch it as you wish after it is dead. Bacteria grows inside a dead body so fast. However, besides feeling emotional, you must give your pet friend a proper goodbye. And you must know how to handle its dead body. 

So, the question is, what to do with dead hamsters? It is important to bring the body out of the cage with the necessary precautions. It can be buried with proper safety measurements taken. You may contact animal welfare organizations sometimes if you can’t do this.

Here we have discussed what should be done with a dead hamster and how to do it. Safety precautions are also discussed. So, keep on reading!

What to Do with Hamsters? Knowing the Burial Process

When it comes to handling a deceased pet, it’s important to show proper respect and take appropriate measures. Here’s a step-by-step guide to burying a dead hamster:

What to Do with Hamsters

Step 1: Bring the Dead Hamster Out

First, you have to bring the Hamster out of the cage. Wear a good hand mask and carefully bring the body out.

Step 2: Choose a burial location

Find a suitable location to bury your hamster. This could be in your backyard or a designated pet cemetery. Ensure that you have permission to bury your pet on the property.

Step 3: Make a hole 

Use a shovel to make a space that is at least one foot deep. Make sure the hole is big enough to accommodate your hamster’s remains. Try to keep it a bit deeper so that other animals won’t find it. You may want to save even your dead hamster from predators.

Step 4: Prepare the burial container 

You can use a small box, a cloth, or a plastic bag to put the hamster’s body in before burying it. Ensure that the container is biodegradable.

Gently place your hamster’s body into the prepared container.

Step 5: Lower the container into the hole 

Take a moment to say your final goodbyes to your beloved pet. Carefully place the container containing your hamster’s remains into the hole.

Use a shovel to fill the hole with soil. Pack the soil down gently to ensure it is compact.

Step 6: Mark the Grave

You can choose to mark your pet’s grave with a small memorial or headstone if you wish. In this circumstance, being at home is preferable. You can keep the grave from being damaged. But, burying it outside else may cause it to be harmed.

Remember to take your time and allow yourself to grieve as you say goodbye to your furry friend. The process is pretty easy. Just don’t forget to take necessary precautions while burying because animal bodies can have bacteria and other harmful germs.

However, if you believe you are unable to do so, you may contact animal welfare groups. They may be able to help you by giving information or sending skilled individuals.

Moreover, you may also wrap it in a bag and throw it in a dustbin if you’re unable to bury it. But it is not a respected way to say farewell to your friend.

Cremate Hamsters: Can it be Another Option?

If you care deeply about your pet, you may consider cremation. This is because you want to pay special honor to your lost pet. 

Cremate Hamsters

But the question is, can you do it yourself?

Cremating a dead hamster is a more involved process than simply lighting a fire. This process requires extremely high temperatures, upwards of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, to vaporize the bodily fluids and reduce the remains to basic elements.

After cremation, there will be bone fragments remaining. Experienced specialists cool these bones and process these in a specialized machine to create bone fragments.

This process is tough and potentially hazardous and is not recommended at home. Because you need to have access to a large, safe space with specialized equipment. Hence, cremating your hamster is not recommended at home. 

It is best to consider other options for handling the remains of your beloved pet. You may contact some professional cremators to do this thing. It may cost up to $100.

Handling a Dead Hamster: Precautions you Need to Know 

When dealing with a deceased hamster, it’s crucial to take proper safety measures to avoid potential health risks. So it’s important to follow the recommendations of health experts. These may include:

Handling a Dead Hamster
  • Use protective gear such as gloves and a mask to prevent any direct contact
  • Use a fair amount of water to reduce the risk while handling a dead hamster
  • Put the hamster in a bag first. Plastic is preferrable. Then apply the anti-infection spray to contain any possible contamination
  • Dispose of the hamster’s bedding in a detached plastic pack and discard it properly
  • Use the same precautions as with the hamster’s body to clean up any pee and excrement
  • Disinfect floors by mopping or spraying disinfecting
  • Always wash your hands after handling the dead hamster, even if you had enough safety precautions

Following these precautions can minimize the risk of infection and ensure your safety. 

If you’re interested in learning more about hamster health and emergencies, you may want to check out our articles on why your hamster is drinking so much water and what to do if your hamster is in shock. Our article on why your hamster is drinking so much water explores the potential reasons behind this behavior and when it might be a cause for concern. Meanwhile, our article on what to do if your hamster is in shock offers advice on how to recognize and respond to this serious health condition.


I know you still have some questions remaining. Don’t worry! You will shortly know a little more from this section.

Q: Can I get the ashes back after the hamster body cremate?

Yes, you may get the ashes back. An expert cremator may charge up to $250. They will do it for you and back you the remaining ashes.

Q: Can I get sick if I touch a dead hamster?

Yes. You may get sick if you do so. According to health experts, dead animals can have bacteria inside them. Especially, tularemia is a disease that is hard to occur if humans come in contact with a dead animal.

Q: Can I keep my dead hamster for 24 hours outside?

It is not recommended to keep it outside for a day. But you can freeze it for a long time, even more than a day. 


All in all, it is certainly a heartbreaking incident to lose a favorite pet. But knowing what to do with dead hamster is important. You have both the option to cremate it or bury it. If you want you and the environment to be safe from any sort of bacteria, it is important to be the hamster well buried.

For those who prefer cremation, it is important to understand the process requires high temperatures and specialized equipment. It is best to leave this thing to professionals. They may charge a few bucks, but it will make sure you are giving your pet a respectful goodbye.

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of RodentsFact.com. With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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