How to Catch a Hamster? A Comprehensive Guide

Hamsters are cute and adorable creatures that make wonderful pets. Sometimes, catching a hamster can be tough for a pet owner. It happens due to not knowing the right method to catch a hamster.

So, how to catch a hamster in the right way? Firstly, you need to create a comfortable and secure environment for the hamster. This can be done by using a hamster cage or a cardboard box with plenty of bedding material. The hamster will assumably venture into the cage or box if it feels safe and secure.

Everything you need to know about catching a hamster will be covered in this guide. We will provide you with all the knowledge you want, ranging from setting up a secure environment to using the appropriate tools and methods. So, Keep your eyes here for detailed, step-by-step instructions!

How to Catch a Hamster? Knowing the Methods

Here are some of the popular methods given below. You can choose one of them which you think most suitahle for you regarding your surroundings. 

How to Catch a Hamster

Method 1 : Bait-and-Trap

The bait-and-trap method is a popular choice among hamster catchers as it is straightforward and reliable. This technique involves placing a tempting treat inside a hamster cage or cardboard box. Peanuts can be a good option in that case. Sunflower seeds or a piece of fruit is also preferable. 

The appealing perfume will entice the hamster in, and finally, it will enter to take part in the feast.

Once the hamster has entered the cage or box, all you need to do is gently close the door behind it. To avoid frightening the hamster into running away or becoming uneasy, walk carefully and quietly. Once the door is closed, the hamster will be safely contained and can be easily transferred to its new home.

How to Catch a Hamster


The benefit of using the bait-and-trap method is that it allows you to catch the hamster without causing it any stress or harm. Additionally, this technique is effective for everyone, including a new owner. You can do it if you do not have a lot of experience with hamsters, as it requires no special tools or skills.

Method 2 : The Blanket Method

The blanket method is a simple yet effective way to catch a hamster. This technique involves using a soft and cozy towel or blanket to trap the hamster. To use this method, simply place the blanket over the hamster first. Now, gently scoop it up and make sure to keep the hamster snugly wrapped inside.

The Blanket Method Catch a Hamster


By using the blanket method, you can catch a hamster without causing it any undue stress or harm. In general, it is easy to do, and smooth. Moreover, The blanket provides a secure and comfortable environment for the hamster, helping to calm any nerves and prevent it from escaping. 

The blanket also acts as a partition between your hands and the hamster. It is crucial because they occasionally bite people. So if you hesitate to handle it, it could be especially helpful. However, no serious injury has been observed as a result of hamster bites so far.


Although this method has tons of benefits and is easily applicable, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider. 

Some potential drawbacks of the blanket method are given below : 

  • Hard to use if the hamster is fast or agile
  • Risk of accidentally causing harm or stress
  • Limits visibility and monitoring of hamster’s movements
  • May make frightened or nervous hamsters more agitated
  • Requires patience and gentle handling

Lastly, this method is not suitable for everyone. Especially if you are in a hurry or uncomfortable handling small animals, you shouldn’t go for this method.

Method 3: Using your petting Experience

A very convenient method for catching a hamster is to train it properly and make it your buddy. For this, you have to consistently offer them treats. You have to let the hamster get used to your presence. At a time, it can eventually come to you on its own. 

Once the hamster is comfortable with you, you can simply pick it up and hold it in your hands. 

The advantage of this method is that it is gentle and not stressful at all. By building a bond with the hamster, you can reduce the stress and anxiety that the animal may experience during the catching process.

Using your petting Experience Catch a Hamster


Some of the drawbacks of this method are given below : 

  • Training a hamster to become comfortable with you can take several weeks or even months. 
  • This may not be a suitable option for those who are not experts.
  • All hamsters may not respond to this method. Some hamsters may be naturally shy or fearful. Which can make it difficult to build a bond with them. So, alternative methods may be more effective.

Method 4 : The Plastic Container Trick 

One interesting method for catching a hamster is using a clear plastic container. So, how does this method work? First, place the container over the hamster and gently push down on the sides to create a barricade. 

The hamster will be trapped inside. Then you can easily pick it up and can bring it wherever you think it should have been.

But you shouldn’t use this technique if you’re not sure you can accomplish it. Because if you place it incorrectly, the hamster might be hurt. Therefore, use cautions when applying this technique. 

Catching a Hamster: Taking the Precautions 

If you pet a hamster, you have to catch hamsters very often. But there are some precautions you need to take while catching your pet friend.

Catching a Hamster

Use Gentle Hands 

Hamsters are small, fragile creatures. And it is important to handle them with care. When catching a hamster, ensure using gentle, slow movements. Avoid squeezing or hurting the animal. This will ensure hurtless hamster catching.

Choose the Suitable Method 

Different hamsters may respond differently to you. In addition, not every method will suit you. So it is important to choose the right method for your pet. For example, using a blanket to trap it may not be the best option for your frightened hamster. 

Catching a Hamster

Be Prepared for an Escape 

Hamsters are known for their agility and speed. Besides, they may escape or may go somewhere in your room where you can’t find them. Make sure to keep a close eye on the hamster and be ready to move quickly. You should also have a backup plan in place, like closing doors or windows.

To prevent them from escaping, you should take necessary precautions like closing windows, and doors and making sure it is inside.

If you’re interested in learning more about hamster behavior and health, you might find our articles on why hamsters shake and why hamsters bleed before they die helpful. Our article on why hamsters shake explores the different reasons why your hamster may be shaking, such as fear, anxiety, illness, or age, and how to identify and address the underlying cause. Meanwhile, our article on why hamsters bleed before they die examines the phenomenon of ‘bleeding out’ in hamsters, why it occurs, and what you can do to prevent it. Check out these articles to learn more about keeping your hamster healthy and happy.


You won’t mind knowing a little more? Have your eyes on this section.

Q: Do hamsters like to be held? 

Some hamsters may enjoy being held, others may prefer to be left alone. It mostly depends on its personality. But you may continue treating it and make it realize you are friendly. 

Q: Is it safe to handle a hamster? 

Yes, it is generally safe to handle a hamster as long as you do it gently and properly. However, it is important to always clean your hands before and after handling your hamster. As a result, you will be able to avoid the spread of bacteria and disease.

Q: What type of food is best for luring a hamster?

Hamsters have a molar tooth, so fruits like grapes or slices of apple can be effective lures. They also love sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and almonds.


Overall, catching a hamster can be a challenging task for pet owners. The task becomes much easier by creating a secure and comfortable environment for the hamster. There are several methods for catching a hamster, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. 

It’s important to choose a method that suits your needs and comfort level. Ultimately, the key to catching a hamster is to approach the task with patience and gentle handling. Besides this, try to make a good relationship with your pet. 

By following these methods, you will be able to catch your pets. But be careful when handling a hamster. Because if it feels uncomfortable it may bite you.

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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