Why Is My Hamster Not Coming Out At Night?

Hamsters are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night and tend to sleep during the day. And it’s typically a concerning issue when you see your nocturnal pet not coming out at night. 

So you ask, why is my hamster not coming out at night? There could be several reasons. It might be due to illness, fear, hunger, environmental factors, or even old age. To solve the issue, one has to identify the root cause and take action to address it. 

This article will help you understand the causes of your hamster not coming out at night and how to deal with the situation. Read on to understand more.

Causes of Hamsters Not Coming Out at Night

There are several reasons why a hamster may not come out at night. Let’s delve into each of the causes in a bit more detail.

Causes of Hamsters Not Coming Out at Night

1. Sickness or Injury

One of the most obvious reasons your hamster may not come out at night is sickness or injury. Hamsters are known to be resilient creatures, but like any other living being, they are vulnerable to sickness or injury. 

Sickness or Injury

If you notice any signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, or limping, it could be an indication that your hamster is not feeling well. As a result, they may not be as active or responsive as usual.

2. Fear or Anxiety

Hamsters, like other animals, are liable to fear and anxiety. Loud noises, sudden movements, or changes in their environment can cause them to feel anxious and scared. 

If your hamster is fearful or anxious, it may hide away in its hideout and this may cause them not to come out at night.

Hamster Fear or Anxiety

3. Age

As hamsters age, their nighttime habits may change. They may become less active and prefer to sleep more. Older hamsters may not come out at night as frequently as younger ones.

4. Discomfort

If your hamster is uncomfortable, it may not come out at night. Discomfort could be due to a variety of reasons, such as an uncomfortable cage, unsuitable bedding, or an inadequate diet.

5. Environmental Changes

Changes in the hamster’s environment can also cause them to feel stressed and scared, which may result in them not coming out at night. For example, if you have recently moved your hamster’s cage to a new location or introduced new toys, they may feel threatened and not come out. 

Environmental Changes

To help your hamster adjust to new changes, introduce them gradually and give them time to get used to their new surroundings.

6. Stress

Stress may be another cause of your hamster not coming out at night. Hamsters can easily become stressed, especially when their environment is not conducive to their needs. 

For example, if your hamster’s cage is too small or lacks proper ventilation, your hamster may feel uncomfortable and not come out at night. 

Similarly, if there are loud noises or bright lights in the room, it can be unsettling for your hamster, causing them to hide away.

7. Individual personality

Another reason why your hamster may not come out at night is that they simply don’t want to. Hamsters have individual personalities; some may be more active and adventurous than others.

Individual personality

If your hamster is comfortable staying in the cage and has enough toys and treats to keep them occupied, it may choose to stay in its cage rather than explore outside.

What to Do if Your Hamster Is Not Coming Out at Night?

If you’ve noticed that your hamster isn’t coming out of its hiding place at night, there are a few things you can do to encourage it to be more active. Here are some of the things you can do to make your hamster more active at night.

What to Do if Your Hamster Is Not Coming Out at Night
  • The very first thing is to check for any injuries or even invite a veterinarian for diagnosis of any illness that they may be having. If they are sick or in pain, they may be less active and prefer to rest instead of moving around. 
  • It’s important to understand that hamsters can be shy and easily spooked, especially if they are new to their environment. If your hamster is not coming out at night, try creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere around their habitat. 
  • Avoid loud noises, sudden movements or bright lights that could scare them.
  • It is also important to note that hamsters can become more inactive as they age, as we had stated earlier. If your hamster is an older one, this could be a natural part of the aging process and therefore, it should not cause any alarm to you as a hamster owner.
  • Spending time with your hamster during the day can also help as the hamster becomes comfortable with your presence. This makes it easier for your hamster to come out at night when it knows you are nearby.
  • Lastly, remember that hamsters have their own personalities and may have different preferences. Some may be more active than others, and some prefer to sleep during the day and others at night. 

Therefore it is important to observe, learn and understand your hamster’s behavior so you may know when they are most active.

If you’re concerned about your hamster’s behavior and health, you may find our articles on why your hamster is making a clicking noise and why your hamster is running in circles helpful. Our article on why your hamster is making a clicking noise explores this unusual behavior and what it might mean for your pet’s health. Meanwhile, our article on why your hamster is running in circles discusses possible reasons for this behavior and how to prevent it.


Check out this section to get more information about hamsters’ behavior people also ask sometimes. 

Q: Why Is My Hamster Sleeping Too Much?

While it’s normal for hamsters to sleep for extended periods, excessive sleepiness can be a sign your hamster is unwell. Here are some of the reasons why your hamster might be sleeping to much;

  1. Age
  2. Stress
  3. Lack of exercise 
  4. Illness

Q: Should You Wake a Sleeping Hamster?

You should never wake a sleeping hamster unless it’s necessary, such as for a veterinary exam or an emergency situation. By waking a sleeping hamster, you will be disrupting its natural sleep cycle and this can negatively affect your hamster.

 Q: How Do You Entice a Hamster Out of Hiding?

If your hamster is hiding and won’t come out, here are some of the ways to entice them to come out of hiding:

  1. Use treats
  2. Make the environment comfortable for your hamster
  3. You can use  soft, soothing sounds while calling your hamster

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, whenever you note that your hamster is not coming out at night, it is important to get to know what causes it to hide. If you suspect that your hamster is unwell, it’s best to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

In the meantime, be attentive and proactive in your hamster’s care. This will ensure they are happy, healthy, and active day and night. Keep an eye on your furry friend and don’t hesitate to seek help if you notice any changes in their behavior or health.

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of RodentsFact.com. With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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