Coronet Guinea Pig | The Most Adorable Hybrid Guinea Pig Facts

Coronet guinea pigs are one of the most beautiful and adorable guinea pigs among all other types. They may not have been around as long as other guinea pigs, but have already won many guinea pig lovers’ hearts. Their eccentric look but playful and easygoing nature make them lovely creatures to have around.

Coronet Guinea Pig

Coronet guinea pigs are, correctly put, a hybrid of silkie guinea pigs and crested guinea pigs. They can be identified for their single crownlike rosette on top of their hair that blends in with their body’s coat of hair.

Coronet guinea pig is a common guinea pig to be chosen as a pet. But they are not really that easy to handle. It is more suitable for adults and older children or teenagers. 

Let’s follow a comprehensive guide to learn more facts and information about these guinea pigs.

Coronet Guinea Pig: An Overview

Coronet Guinea Pig Is A Hybrid Of Sheltie And Crested Guinea Pig!
Coronet Guinea Pig
OriginFirst bred in England, later in America in the year 1970
Hybrid TypeHybrid between sheltie guinea pigs and Crested guinea pigs
Distinctive FeaturesLong silkie hair, crest, or rosette on top of head
Lifespan4-6 years

Doing justice to their names, coronet guinea pigs have a rosette on top of their head, from which hair flows out in a swirl. The hair coming out of it later on mixes up with their body hair coat. These animals come in almost every shade of brown, black, white, orange, and sometimes in satin textures.

Coronet Guinea Pig

Coronet guinea pigs were first bred in the 1970s back in British with sheltie guinea pigs and American crested guinea pigs. A little while after that they also got bred in America almost in the same way but instead of American crested genius, they used White guinea pigs. Whether the Americans got the idea from the Brits, or just happened to get popped with the same idea, nevertheless, coronets got pretty famous in both lands. 

Speaking of sheltie guinea pigs, you might want to check out Sheltie Guinea Pig । Attractive Facts and Lifestyle.

These rosette-bearing coronet guinea pigs look like a pear or tear from the top due to how their fur or hair falls over their bodies. Usually weighing1 to 3 pounds (1.36 kilogram), these guinea pigs are not really easy to handle due to their grooming necessities. 

But since coronet guineas are hybrid guinea pigs, it sometimes gets hard for people to identify them from shelties and crested guineas. Knowing key differences between them will hopefully help you to differentiate. 

Comparing Sheltie Guinea Pigs And Crested Guinea Pigs With Coronet Guinea pigs

Comparing Sheltie Guinea Pigs And Crested Guinea Pigs With Coronet Guinea pigs

Sheltie guinea pigs are mostly known for their super silky and smooth coat of hair. They are a bit hard to handle due to high maintenance grooming needs. Although coronet guinea pigs also bear this feature shelties or silkies, you can identify them by the rosette or coronet on top of their head or forehead. 

Coronet guineas have a rosette of hair on top which blends in with their body hair without any parting. And this can be the distinctive feature between coronets and silkies; silkies do not have any rosettes.

Incidentally, crested guineas are not known for long silkie hair on their bodies. So if you find a guinea pig that has a single rosette of hair on top of its head, do not get them confused with coronet guinea pigs.

Crested guineas do not have a long, smooth coat of hair like coronets guineas. 

Coronet Guinea pigs

Additional Read: Beavers vs Hedgehogs | 3 Key Differences

Coronet Guinea Pigs As Pets

Coronet guinea pigs are famous for having pets in Europe. They are very sociable and easygoing. They don’t really get aggressive or have many records of introverted attitudes. 

Providing coronet guinea pig food is also easy, as they don’t have any special preferences. You can feed them vegetables, weeds, twigs, vitamins, or palettes. They are not that choosy when it comes to food.

If you were to stumble at anything when it comes to taking care of them, then it would probably be for their grooming. As we learned about their silkie smooth hair being long, they are not easy to maintain. So a lot of grooming goes in that particular area.

You might have to trim their ever-growing hair to ensure it’s not hard for them to move. Also, you must brush their hair 2 to 3 times a week. 

This video will show how professionals cut coronets’ hair Coronet Guinea Pig Gets a Saskia Butt Cut – Before & After:

Bathing them is also important and lots of dirt, urine, and feces get stuck to their hair. A small amount of warm water and brushing 1 or 2 times a week should do the job. Also, their nails will need trimming.

They can also get infected with bacteria and other diseases, especially in their ear may get infected. So going to the vet and taking their advice is also necessary. 

Apart from that, these long coat guinea pig breeds are very sociable with other guinea pigs and humans. So you can be positive about keeping them as pets. After all, sunshine after a little rain is totally worth it!

Coronet Guinea Pigs Behavior

You can absolutely call them cute little sunshine in the form of fur babies. Thanks to their amazing looks, they can attract all the attention in the room without even trying. No wonder, they are used in many shows.

And the added bonus would be that they are willing to play with you. They are very easygoing and friendly. 

Coronet Guinea Pigs Behavior

Now you may get concerned and ask what do coronet guinea pigs eat?  But there’s luckily nothing to worry about these herbivores, as they are not at all choosy when it comes to eating habits.

So no worries. Apart from a little grooming issue, you’ll be able to handle them pretty well. However, it suggested that an experienced person takes them as pets. 

Identifying Coronet Guinea Pigs

Identifying Coronet Guinea Pigs

Long Silkie Fur Coat

The most distinctive feature of coronet guinea pigs is their long and smooth fur. They got these features from silkie guinea pigs. 

Their hair falls on top of their body, making them look like fur balls. 

Crest On Top

These guineas are a hybrid of silkie and American crested guineas. And crested guineas as their name suggest have a crest on top of their head from which hair comes out in a swirl.

Coronet guinea pigs also inherited this feature. So you can identify them with single crests on their head along with having long silkier hair.

Identifying Coronet Guinea Pigs

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are cornet guinea pigs for sale?

Yes, they are for sale. You can find them in any local pet shops or big pet shops. But its recommended buying guinea pigs from local pet shops or experts as they will be taking proper care of the animals.

Are cornet guinea pigs for sale

2. Are coronet guinea pigs recognized by any organizations among all the breeds of guinea pigs?

Yes, they are. They are recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA). Also in 1998, it got recognized by American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA).  

3. What is the coronet guinea pig’s lifespan?

Coronet guinea pigs have a fairly average lifespan among other guinea pigs. They live up to 4 to 6 years

Guinea pig


Isn’t coronet guinea pig lovely? They are a full package when it comes to pets. They are beautiful, adorable cute, and also friendly. 

With a little care and proper grooming, they can live with you comfortably. Learning coronet guinea pigs facts will enable you to pet them better than anyone. It is the duty of a pet lover to ensure the best comfort for any animal. 

After learning more about them, handling shouldn’t be an issue. So if you are not experienced in keeping pet guineas, learn more about them!

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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