English Crested Guinea Pig | Important Facts And Characteristics
Unlike other guinea pigs, the english crested guinea pig is shy and timid. Nevertheless, they still are very adorable and make amazing pets. They are also very easy to handle.
The crest on top of the head of these guinea pigs is an identifying feature. English crested guineas have one single rosette on top of their head, the same color as the rest of their body. It is important that guinea pigs’ crest is the exact same color as the rest of their body to be English crested guinea pigs.

It’s quite common for people to get confused between English, and American crested guinea pigs as they appear to be the same type. But there are some small differences among them.
Also, it is essential to know more about English crested guineas to be able to pet them well. So let’s learn the facts and info.
English Crested Guinea Pig: Basic Facts
English Crested Guinea Pig Facts | |
Lifespan | 4-6 years. |
Weight | 1-2.5 pounds |
Size | 4 inches (10.16 cm) – 8 inches (20.32 cm) |
Behavior | Shy, reserved, doesn’t like to be touched |
Defining Feature | Rosette or crest on top of the head of the same color fur of the body |
Similar Types | American crested guinea pig orWhite-crested guinea pig |
English crested guinea pigs are common as pets. Guinea pig lovers prefer them as they are of low maintenance. They are also very calm and composed in nature.

Most guinea pigs are usually very easy to get along with. They are also very friendly and social. But it seems that English crested guinea pigs are more on the introverted but albeit cute side.
English crested guinea pigs are usually of one color and have a rosette on top of their head of the same color as their body. They have soft and short fur that makes them easy for grooming.
They are typically very small compared to other guinea pigs. Furthermore, they weigh about 1 to 2 pounds (0.91 kilograms) and are 6 to 8 inches (20.32 cm) long. But they can live up to 4 to 6 years and sometimes even 10 years.
English VS American Crested Guinea Pig
People often get confused between English crested guinea pig and American crested guinea pig. This happens due to their almost uncanny appearance.
The main and only defining factor between these two types of guinea pigs is their crest. English crested guinea pigs and American crested guinea pigs both have a crest on top of their head. But English cresteds hair of the rosette or crest is always the exact color of the hair of the rest of its body.

On the other hand, the American crested guinea pig has a white crest. The color is always white. It can also have white on other places of its body.
American or White-crested guinea pigs have a white crest on top of their head, just like the English crested guinea pig. But the defining factor of a white crested guinea pig is that no other white spots on its body. Only the crest is white.
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English Crested Guinea Pigs As Pets
English crested guinea pigs are ideal pets. They are easy to handle due to their nature. They are also very easy to groom.
English crested guinea pig size is small. So compared to other guinea pigs, they eat slightly less. They don’t have any special diet, would eat almost any vegetables and grass with water, and vitamin supplements.

They don’t have long hair like sheltie or coronet guinea pigs. So it’s very easy to keep them clean. They don’t really need a bath, as their small, soft fur is almost always clean.
But compared to other guinea pigs, they are a bit shy. They take time to get comfortable with others and don’t like to be touched. But they do come round after a while, which is worth it.
Taking care of English Crested Guinea Pig

Cleaning Cage And Bedding
English crested guinea pigs are very easy to be taken care of. Give them bare minimum grooming, it would be enough for them. Just make sure that they get the right amount of food and proper space.
As they would need a cage to live in, it needs to be tidied and cleaned up every day. Their bedding of hay also needs to be changed once a week, and they will be good to go.
Check this out if you ever wondered Is Scented Bedding Safe for Guinea Pigs? | You Must Know the Facts
Enough Space
As English-crested guinea pigs don’t have long locks of hair, you won’t have to worry about getting them dirty or getting infected with any virus or bacterial disease. So they require enough space to live freely.
Without it, they might get anxious. English crested guineas hate to be touched or patted too much. So empty space is necessary for them to feel relaxed.
Features And Characteristics Of English Crested Guinea Pig

English crested guinea pigs have a crest on their head. It is sometimes referred to as ‘crown’. Their crest will always be the same color as their body.
It is not necessary that the entire body of English-crested guineas will be of one color. They can be of two or more colors, but in that case, their crest may also have a tint of all the colors.

These guinea pigs have small but soft fur. They have also been called “ furry potato” by guinea pig lovers. Since the size of their fur is small, it is easy to keep them clean.
Brushing once a week would be okay to keep them neat and in order. They can also play outside as their fur wot gets that dirty.
Among all other characteristics, their behavior is a key point. This is because English-crested guinea pigs are a bit reserved. They are known for being calm and of reserved nature.
They take time to get along with other guinea pigs and humans. Check this out if you have issues with guinea pigs getting along and often ask What To Do When Guinea Pigs Suddenly Not Getting Along?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are English crested guinea pig for sale?
Yes, the English crested guinea pig is for sale. They are ideal pets and preferred by many pet lovers, and they are also easy to handle. You should buy them from local pet shops or experts who sell them.
2. Does English crested guinea pigs like to be held?
They are more reserved than other guinea pigs. They don’t like to be held or touched. They take some time to get familiar with the owner or other guinea pigs.
Different types of guinea pigs are here:
Bottom Line
English crested guinea pigs are small, have small soft fur, and cute and calm guineas. They are often confused with white and American crested guinea pigs for their resemblance. But the three are not of the same kind.
Since it is very easy to take care of and handle an english crested guinea pig, people prefer them as pets. Their shy nature makes them more adorable.
Learning more about them before buying them as pets would be better for handling them. But be careful. These fur babies can easily steal your heart with their genuine cute looks.