Why My Female Guinea Pig Mounting Another Female? Comprehend The Exact Reason
The dominant behavior of guinea pigs might be shocking and alarming to a first-time owner. It can vary from female guinea pig mounting another female to chasing another guinea pig.
Guinea pigs, male and female, hump each other when they mount each other in order to display dominance. There is nothing to be concerned about since it is only a matter of supremacy.

They are simply figuring out the herd’s structure.
In order to prevent breeding and the possible hazards that pregnancy might create, you may have selected a couple of female guinea pigs with care, just to observe one of them pursuing and mounting the other.
Even while this is an entirely natural activity, it might be indicative of something more serious when it occurs repeatedly.
Do female guinea pigs hump?
Yes, female guinea pigs are known to hump as a way of showing dominance to their fellow guinea pigs, just as the male guinea pigs do. It usually starts with rumbling and chattering which is accompanied by head-holding or dancing.
The dance is usually slow and the head-holding challenge means that the individual who drops her head first becomes the submissive one.

Female pigs will also try chasing, just the same way males do. This explains why you’ll see your guinea pig pets chasing each other in the cage and then start mounting each other. Usually, the dominant one chases the other one as it sniffs its butt.
Once she corners her, she starts mounting and humping her while rumbling. This usually goes on for some seconds before the two individuals get down. The rumbling may continue after a short while.
Note that the female guinea pig will continue humping until the other one shows submission. Also, it may continue mounting and humming even after the other female submits.
Why is my female guinea pig mounting my other female?
Your female guinea pig mounting another female is usually a show of dominance and there’s nothing to be concerned about. The mounting is nothing sexual and the one humping over the other is simply trying to establish dominance over it.
The guinea pig that got into the cage first tries to establish her area and thus becomes the dominant one.
When this happens, it doesn’t mean that the two females can’t live together. No intervention from the owner is needed. The two can live happily in the same cage and you won’t need to separate them.
But in case of violence between the two animals, and blood is drawn, then you should consider splitting them before the situation escalates.

Female guinea pigs usually go through hormonal changes which make them act aggressively. For this reason, your female Guinea pig may continue humping and mounting a fellow female longer after it has shown submission.
Also, illnesses may cause the dominant female to repeatedly mount and hump its fellow female. One such illness is ovarian cancer. When the dominant female starts developing cysts, she gets the urge to continue humping.
If the dominant female becomes sick, the submissive one will try to restructure the social hierarchy and take over as the dominant one. The result is a repetitive behavior pattern with roles getting reversed.
What Is Guinea Pig Dominance?
Despite the fact that guinea pigs are known for their dominance, it does not imply that they may not live together in the same cage. It merely means that if one of them got the cage first, he or she would use it to establish his or her area.

They mount another guinea pig to show that they are the dominant guinea pig so that when they catch on, they can coexist harmoniously.
Their bonding process and the conditions surrounding this behavior are all factors in guinea pigs’ dominating behaviors.
This kind of activity is not typical and will not need your help. If the situation escalates to the point of physical violence or animosity, you may want to consider separating the two parties.
However, if they are typically attempting to establish dominance, you should never split them.
As a result, it is critical that you distinguish between pranks and genuine fights at all times.Â
Your guinea pig may hate you and you may not know it. These are the signs to know why they hate you.Â
Chasing and Mounting
When guinea pigs fight over who is the boss, the more aggressive one usually chases the other one around the cage, biting her behind and making a loud rumbling sound. Once it surrounds its opponent, it mounts and humps for a few moments before rumbling again.

In order for the other pig to accept her new function in the cage, this cycle may repeat itself multiple times. It is fortunate that after the guinea pigs have established pecking order in the cage, the fighting tends to subside.
Repeated Mounting
A long-term female couple may, however, demonstrate this behavior several times. Because of an unbalanced hormone cycle or an illness, one or more guinea pigs may feel the need to assert their authority over the others.
The majority of the time, these stages will not occur very often and, even when they do, they should only endure for a day or two until the order is returned to its cage. You may want to keep an eye out for a pig that chases and mounts her cage mate on a regular basis.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why Does My Guinea Pig Try To Hump My Other Guinea Pig?
Humping is a frequent guinea pig habit. The dominating guinea pig frequently mounts the one they are attempting to subdue. Never fear the mounting because it is never sexual. Simply put, it indicates that they are attempting to establish dominance over the weaker party in their sphere of influence.
2. Why Does My Female Guinea Pig Hump My Other Girl Guinea Pig?
When a sow is in heat or as a display of dominance, she will mount her rival. It is unnecessary to keep them apart; this is how they normally behave. Even females are capable of squirting their own pee.
3. Can Two Female Guinea Pigs Get Each Other Pregnant?
A small to medium-sized group of guinea pigs may be maintained. This species’ population will easily grow as long as the genders are mixed. When it comes to keeping them together, it is best to have the male neutered.
4. How Do I Know If My Guinea Pigs Are Trying To Mate?
As soon as they are ready for mating, both male and female Guinea Pigs show off their antics. Men may pursue, mount, or even raise up on their hind legs to demonstrate their superiority over the ladies in their enclosure. Even in females, some of these behaviors may be seen.
5. How Do I Stop My Guinea Pigs From Mating?
Separating males from female guinea pigs is the safest, simplest, and least costly method of preventing breeding. Make sure that your guinea pig is neutered or spayed by a vet who has successfully performed many of these procedures.
Now you know female guinea pig mounting another female. When dominance displays intensify, the aggressive guinea pig pursues the other around the cage, nipping, and growling.Â
For a little period of time after gaining the upper hand, it will mount and then lower herself back down to continue her rumbling and fighting.
Guinea pigs are peaceful pets. Like every other animal, they exhibit dominant behavior. Fur-raising, hip-swaying, and cheek-rubbing are other habits. Sometimes they sneeze. They seldom damage each other despite dominance. To be safe, watch them.