Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? Thing I Should Worry About?

Guinea pigs can hibernate is a common question for pet owners who want to keep their pets outdoors. Rodents, for example, engage in the strange phenomenon of hibernation. Do guinea pigs hibernate actually?

Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate

Guinea pigs do not hibernate, although they slow down to remain warm in winter. Their heart rate slows down, which helps them preserve energy and keep warm.

However, hypothermia may occur if the temperature drops too low. You must ensure your guinea pigs have enough shelter and bedding to keep them warm. 

Is Hibernation or Torpor (Deep Sleep) The Same?

Hibernating animals reduce their energy usage and heart rate to decrease body temperature. Hibernating animals consume a lot during the hot months to save the fat for their rest.

Hibernating Animals Lower Energy Use and Heart Rate to Cool Down

If your piggies or hamster is cold and wobbly, it may appear as they slumber through the winter. Keeping them in hutches outdoors without enough cover and protection may cause them to act out this way. 

What Is the Best Way to Keep Your Guinea Pigs Warm In Winter?

Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate

These are some of the best ways to keep your pig warm in winter:

  • In colder areas, it is necessary to keep guinea pigs warm.
  • If your pets are indoors, this is easy. If they are outdoors, you can:
  • Protect your guinea pigs with a safe, insulated shelter from wind, snow, and rain.
  • Give them additional covering to hibernate in.
  • Raise the shelter to keep it dry.
  • Your guinea pigs should not overheat in the winter, either. Guinea pigs can not sweat to cool down.

Guinea Pig Winter Care

 Guinea Pig Winter Care

Winter is harsh for guinea pigs. Your hamster pet needs hay and bedding to keep warm. It is too chilly for your hamsters if you require a jacket or jumper.

Move Habitat

By moving your cavies to a new location and insulating their cages and hutches, you can guarantee they are comfortable and warm throughout the year’s colder months.

Reduce Drafts

Keep their environment clear of drafts.  So keep them away from windows and doors generally.

Temperature Optimization

Next, keep the room between 65 and 75 degrees.  Too warm temperatures are also unpleasant for guinea pigs.  

Guinea Pigs Hibernate

Indoor thermometers provide precise temperature and humidity measurements.  A shed is a fantastic place to keep guinea pigs.

Check your guinea pig

Despite measures, you should watch for indications of illness and take your guinea pig to the clinic if required.


Despite the cold, guinea pigs require exercise. Keep your cavies’ run open all day.

They are inherently energetic and active but require additional stimulation in winter.

How To Keep Your Guinea Pig Warm

3 Ways To Keep Your Guinea Pig Warm

If your guinea pig’s hutch is outside, bring it inside for the winter. Unless you lack room. Move their hutch to a garage or shed to shelter them from wind, rain, and snow. 

Cage Covering

Insulate guinea pigs to keep them warm. Cover the cage with a blanket.

Be careful to allow a ventilation space, so guinea pigs do not suffocate. During the day, if it is not cold, remove the blanket.


Adding additional bedding to your guinea pig’s home might also help keep it warm.

Bedding keeps guinea pigs warm and dry and is perfect for hiding, one of their favorite activities.

Guinea Pigs Hibernate

Use Heat Pads

Warm their hutch with a heating pad.  Keep your cavy happy on the coldest days of the year with these safe and effective products.

Here are some alternative methods to keep your guinea pigs warm:

  • Have many guinea pigs of the same sex. They will snuggle for warmth.
  • Add warm tunnels and beds to their hutch.
  • You should keep an eye on your pig’s water bottle since it might freeze in cold weather.
Guinea pig

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do Guinea Pigs Go Into Hibernation?

Neither guinea pigs nor chinchillas hibernate and keeping them at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit is not safe.

Do Guinea Pigs Go Into Hibernation

2. Do Hamsters Hibernate in Summer?

Hamsters fall in the second category, called permissive hibernation. These animals hibernate whenever, winter or summer, when extreme environmental conditions need them to conserve energy. This usually happens when it’s cold, but also when it’s too hot or there is a lack of food or water.

3. How Warm Do Guinea Pigs Need to Be?

This Animal Care Aid is part of a series developed to promote optimal guinea pig care and health. Guinea pigs are susceptible to both heat and cold. Keep them in temperatures between 60 and 85 °F to avoid putting their health at risk.

How Warm Do Guinea Pigs Need to Be

4. Do Guinea Pigs Get Hot?

Guinea pigs have no sweat glands, and heat regulation using sweating is impossible for them, meaning these rodents are exposed to significant health risks in summer.

5. Do Hamsters Hibernate in Summer?

Hamsters fall in the second category, called permissive hibernation. These animals hibernate whenever, winter or summer, when extreme environmental conditions need them to conserve energy. This usually happens when it’s cold, but also when it’s too hot or there is a lack of food or water.

Guinea pig

Final Words

So, there you have it. Guinea pigs don’t hibernate.  Even though they’re warm-blooded animals that originate from a colder climate, it’s not something that they do. Do guinea pigs hibernate

However, they have a few ways to withstand cold temperatures – such as torpor. But, they’ll need your help to stay warm during the colder months of winter.

To keep your guinea pig warm, make sure your little friends have a nice, cozy home to stay in – and plenty of bedding to burrow into – especially if there’s a sudden drop in temperature. Otherwise, they won’t have any way to keep their body heat stable.

Lisa G

Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of With over 3 years of experience studying and observing various species of rodents. Lisa has established herself as a credible expert in the field. Her passion for these often-overlooked animals shines through in her in-depth articles and engaging writing style. Follow her blog to learn fascinating facts and gain a new appreciation for the furry creatures that share our world.

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